Spolupráca s pacientskymi organizáciami. 2022
Názov pacientskej organizácie Adresa Krajina Dátum podpisu zmluvy Popis aktivity Nefinančná podpora Finančná podpora Platby za slulby
Asociácia na ochr.práv pacientov Prešovská 39 Bratislava 2 SLOVAKIA 25/11/2022 Objective is to provide support for the Sixth Annual Nationwide Patient Conference with key health care sector stakeholders. The main focus of the conference will be on Patient's pathway. 2500 EUR 0 EUR
Bodkáčik - združenie pre rodiny A. Stodolu 4991/17 Martin SLOVAKIA 08/06/2022 The aim is to support a nationwide campaign to raise awareness about skin diseases and eliminate negative attitudes towards people with chronic skin conditions. 1160 EUR 0 EUR
30/11/2022 Aim is to support a nationwide campaign to raise awareness about psoriasis and other skin diseases and eliminate negative attitudes towards people with chronic skin conditions. 2500 EUR 0 EUR
Dermatológia pre všetkých OZ Slovenská 11/A Nové Zámky SLOVAKIA 09/12/2022 The aim of this grant is to support educational activities for patients with psoriasis - raising the level of awareness in order to improve their quality of life and better management of everyday activities. 1000 EUR 0 EUR
Klub pacientov SMyS Antolská 11 Bratislava 5 SLOVAKIA 09/09/2022 The aim is to support educational meeting for myeloma patients - Provide patients with expert information and present activities aimed at motivating patients to engage in activities that improve their quality of life. 3600 EUR 0 EUR
Liga proti rakovine Slovenskej republiky Brestová 4/6 Bratislava 2 SLOVAKIA 13/12/2022 The aim of this grant is to support free of charge psychological support services for cancer patients. 5000 EUR 0 EUR
18/10/2022 Objective is to provide support for the 5. Annual Nationwide Oncology Patient Conference with key health care sector stakeholders, with the ambition to draw attention to the solution of defined problems that cancer patients in Slovakia are struggling with 3000 EUR 0 EUR
Liga za duševné zdravie Ševčenkova 21 Bratislava 5 SLOVAKIA 13/12/2022 The aim of this grant is to support printing of educational leaflet posters on mental illness for the public. 3500 EUR 0 EUR
Lymfoma a Leukémia Slovensko Prešovská 346/39 Bratislava 2 SLOVAKIA 26/10/2022 The aim is to support education platform Allivia - in oder to populate it with content and structure it appropriately for patients in a user-friendly way. 4500 EUR 0 EUR
OZ Europa Uomo Slovensko Bohrova 5 Bratislava 5 SLOVAKIA 13/12/2022 The aim of this grant is to support educational and informational activities, supporting efforts for early detection of prostate cancer and improving patients' quality of life. 5000 EUR 0 EUR
OZ ODOS M. R. Štefánika 2427/206 Vranov Nad Topľou SLOVAKIA 14/12/2022 The aim of this grant is to support project aimed at presenting the work of people who have experienced mental illness and draw attention and change the public's attitude towards people with mental illness. 1500 EUR 0 EUR
Slovak Crohn Club - OZ Jurigovo námestie 1 Bratislava 4 SLOVAKIA 08/06/2022 Objective of this grant is to support educational event for IBD patients. 3000 EUR 0 EUR
Zdr. pac. s pľúcnou hyper. o.z. Lučenská 31 Veľký Krtíš SLOVAKIA 13/05/2022 Objective of the grant is to support educational activities for patients with pulmonary hypertension and educate general public about this disease. 2270 EUR 0 EUR